Wednesday, July 28, 2010

friends foreverlasting, lovers neverlasting

somehow we accept difference
the flaws, the quirks, the beliefs
of a friend for a lifetime

Somehow our greatest mission
is to change our lover
into our own image

somehow our friend is forever
when needed in sunshine
and in every dark hour of despair

somehow lovers desert us
when we cannot mirror their image
nor be a clone of an ideal

somehow a friend brings gifts
gifts of love, peace, and joy
no strings and no demands

somehow a lover brings ifs
if you don't say this or do that
this relationship is over

somehow a friend sees our heart
knows we are loyal and loves
till death do us part

somehow a blind lover doubts
love and loyalty and, too soon
brings destiny to a Y in the road

Somehow, for some strange reason
lovers never stop to ponder
friends, foreverlasting
