Sunday, November 06, 2005

Getting Started

Getting started with anything is not easy, especially something
as unfamiliar as Blog. What is Blog anyway? Who will read these
frail words at the end connections of these countless wires and

Alas, what will it avail my words to be lost in such a dismal abyss?
Will it help me find my lost love or can it stop me from aging and
give me eternal life? Dare these fragile words survive centuries,
that certain timelessness of the timeless?

Should I bare my most tender feelings naked into space?
Should I pretend to be a man of steel wired with platinum?
What is life anyway, other than being certain of uncertainty?

All these simple questions I ask of you, the invisible face lurking
in front of your brightly lit lifeless tube searching for answers. And
of myself, I ask, as I embark on this enigmatic and mysterious
platform of Blog.